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Audi R8

Audi R8

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Inasne Batman

I like this video because it's funniest appropiate movie I could find. I think having Napolean Dynamite as batman is stupid though. I don't know what really to write about, the movie is pretty self explanatory. I like this video because I like Jimmy Fallon, I like the Batman movies, and it's really funny. I really don't see 25 sentences coming out of this at all, or I could just ramble about how impossible this is for another 21 sentences. That's crazy though, because It would have nothing to do with the movie. It would completely draw most of the attention away from the movie. This would just end up a big long paragraph of me talking about how impossible this is. It basically is a supression of creative writing. It's saying, "Ok, since you are not creative enough to write a story on you own, just write what you like about this other persons work." That is exactly what creative writing is not about. I mean, it's not that I hate the assignment, it's just not in the creative catagory. It's better than math. It's also good that we get to incorporate media into it. But overall, it's not bad, but it's not great. The fact that it's on the computer and it's with videos and stuff is good. But the fact that it's not creative and that it is an assignment is kind of bad. So overall, it evens out to be a little better than bad. So it's like, "Ok I have to go write 25 sentences about someone else's movie. WooHoo." Oh wow look at that. 26 sentences.


Michael said...

Yea, Bailey, your video is really funny, but I can't really see what you would write about. I'm doing a music video and it is taking forever to write 25 sentences!

Alyssa said...

haha luv the video - good luck writing 25 sentences on it though!

thelittlegreenschoolroom said...

And the 25 sentences are hiding where? Mrs. A

NinjaDuckie said...

you spelled insane wrong.

NinjaDuckie said...

how did you put a poll on your blog? i tried but it just said internet explorer not working or something like that. please tell me how....

thelittlegreenschoolroom said...

Interesting interpretation of the writing assignment. And you see yourself earning what grade? Some assignments require that you critically think about what is being asked of you, and then create your own meaning and purpose and share your knowledge with others. I know it's a stretch, but you are intelligent young man-I have believe you can do a lot better than this. Work on your delivery a bit in the future. Mrs. A

thelittlegreenschoolroom said...

By the way, your blog is looking a little better. Like all the pictures of the cars.

Anonymous said...

Bailey !!!!! This is your long lost twin brother from Norway !!! I will be coming to America for the annual Watching of the Dancing of the Green Rodents. Then I come to see you. If you see a homeless man in your driveway, DON'T SHOOT !!!! It will most likely be me.

aaron-nbca said...

I love the cars!

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